Join us in person – #wdelcs Leadership Collaborative Series

When women collaborate they can change the world. Over the past five years Women Driving Excellence has honored some of the most incredible, influential, and inspiring women in Chicago. Women who are proving that they are more than trailblazers they are true mentors.
Our goal with Women Driving Excellence was to build an event where all women could come and network with different people outside of their usual circle, women that they may not see at their usual events. We have created an atmosphere where designers have an opportunity to network with doctors, and lawyers with artists.
The beauty of this is women who may be looking for those services can connect and find each other at our events. Where artists can mix and mingle with accountants or lawyers that they may need personal branding can meet with public relation folks.
We have witnessed ideas being born, relationships being made, and have felt the power and inspiration of energy being created while learning and sharing together.
It’s the reason we are now bringing the success of Women Driving Excellence to a broader audience, on a monthly basis. Women Driving Excellence’s new Leadership Collaborative Series – Fall 2016 is a development platform where professional women will gather to nurture and encourage learning, collaboration and career advancements.
The talent and inspiration of the past award recipient’s stories have created an outpouring for more interaction and opportunities to meet, mix, and mingle.
Our first event is being held September 21, at SPACE 444. N. Wabash. This kick off is going to feature two of Chicago’s top entrepreneurs who have built amazing brands. they will share their stories, hint’s, tips and ideas with the audience.
Register online at WomenDrivingExcellence.Com and come out for an evening filled with new ideas, new relationships, and great learning.
Leadership Collaborative Series
The #ChicagonistaLIVE Show + SPACE Program Partnership
Official Social Tags: #wdeLCS – @WoDrEx & @SPACEbydoejo
Sept. 21 – 5:30pm
Anupy Singla @IndianApplePie
Debi Lilly @DebiLilly
In today’s competitive world of business start-ups, self-packaging is crucial to a successful launch. Learn from entrepreneurs, Anupy Singla and Debi Lilly, on how they cultivated their personal brands that lead them to grow their businesses.