Get Your Ticket! #WDE Inaugural Event @ the Chicago Auto Show – Women Driving Excellence

In collaboration with the Chicago Tribune,, RedEye, and Monika Dixon PR, we’re excited to announce that the Women Driving Excellence will be launching at this year’s Chicago Auto Show during their designated Women’s Day on February 12, 2013.
Debi Lilly, Elisa All, Jill Salzman, and Saya Hillman will be hosting the networking nosh to kick-off the event.
The Women Driving Excellence inaugural event will be honoring 6 excellent women in their field. Click on the names for complete bios.
Anupy Singla Candace Jordan Corri McFadden
Genevieve Thiers Karen Weigert Luvvie Ajayi
More info and bios are still being worked on in this site. Please stay tune on how to rsvp for the event.